The System




We believe objective data is crucial for unlocking an athlete’s full potential.  We capture One Million Data Points per assessment utilizing Five Systems covering Five Athletic Pillars.


By objectively examining the Athlete, we gather information that can provide unparalleled insights into every facet of performance. 



By aggregating and analyzing data across a diverse range of athletes, we can identify trends, validate training methods, and even predict future performance.  We Analyze Fifty-Three individual metrics to create our athletic report.

Our proprietary AI analyzes over one million data points to create an athletic profile used to generate training  programs tailored specifically for the Athlete.



From the moment an athlete starts with us, we measure and monitor a wide array of performance metrics, using this data to adapt and refine their training regimen continually. 

Our training  goes beyond the one-size-fits-all approach, every session targeting each athlete’s unique needs and goals.



Mind & Body

Being physically capable is not enough to compete at the highest level. Athletes need to meet extreme mental and physical demands simultaneously .  As a result, every training session incorporates specifically designed cognitive activities that train the mind and body together.

Athletic Pillars

Informed by hundreds of scientific studies and insights  from experts across multiple fields of sports science, our team identified  six core pillars of performance.  Cognition, Stability, Mobility, Strength, Power, and Speed.  Recognizing, isolating and addressing the unique attributes of all six helps our team create the building blocks for your athletic success.  During training, we focus on sharpening each of the pillars every session.



We use the most advanced technology on the market to assess and improve athletic performance. We've spent years vetting the most effective and efficient equipment available. Every piece we use has been scientifically validated to produce results. We

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